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Phosphate workings in South East England




During the early 19th century there were considerable developments in British agriculture which resulted in notable increases in production of both crops and livestock. A combination of factors was responsible; the most important being the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815. The subsequent period of peace and economic stability led to a rapid population increase, most notably in the industrial towns and cities. As many of the town houses had no gardens, there was no room for a vegetable garden, a pig pen, chicken run or orchard. Food had to be purchased from the market or local shops so there was an enormous demand which agriculturalists wanted to meet.


The Enclosure Acts of the late-18th and early 19th centuries allowed landowners and agriculturalists to increase food production by adopting the new agricultural practises of this period of ‘High Farming.’ What was previously considered waste land was brought under cultivation. Investment in steam-traction engines allowed woodlands to be ‘grubbed up’. Larger iron ploughs allowed deep ploughing of the heavier clay soils. As the iron minerals in the sand were dissolved and drained through the sand, a hard iron pan had accumulated along the top of the water table. Deep ploughing broke through this layer and improved drainage of the sandy heathlands. Mass-produced clay pipes also allowed better drainage of the heavy clay lands.


New agricultural techniques like Lord ‘Turnip’ Townshend's 4-course crop rotation allowed better use of the tradition three-field system, including the practice of leaving one field fallow. New farm machinery like Jethro Tull's seed drill and scientific developments in cross-breeding plants and animals led to increased yields but it was the search for new manures that led to some interesting developments along the banks of the River Wey on the border between Surrey and Hampshire and on the coast near Folkestone.


Local geology


This area of Southern England's Wealden landscape was dominated by heavily eroded chalk escarpments, gentle-sided clay vales and sandy heathlands. Geologically, the Weald was formed by plate tectonics during what geologists call the Oligocene and Miocene periods between 34 and 5.3 million years ago. The underlying rocks, the clay, sand and chalk, are much older sediments that built up over millions of year at the bottom of what was called the Tethys Sea. This huge stretch of water separated the European and Asian landmass from Africa. They were deposited during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods, between 248 and 34 million years ago. As the African landmass moved progressively northwards towards the stable Eurasian landmass, these sediments were squeezed and slowly forced down into what the geologists call the ‘Tethyan geosyncline’. 


About 135 million years ago this area of Southern England was the northern edge of a huge freshwater lake. Rivers draining the surrounding European landmass carried silt and rock fragments which accumulated as horizontal beds of clay and sand. In places the clay is over 300 metres thick. The whole area sank about 110 million years ago and the sea broke through into this lake about five million years later in the middle of the Cretaceous period. As a result, the bodies of a host of marine creatures, mostly mollusca, brachipods and ammonites, built up on the sea bed. As their bodies were eaten away their bones, teeth, claws and shells began to accumulate above the sand and clay. Here they were washed around in the tidal currents and had much of their surface features worn away. As the rivers drained the volcanic areas of Scandinavia and Northern Britain the warm, shallow water was rich in dissolved minerals, including green glauconite, an iron-rich silicate, As a result the porous remains became phosphatised. They absorbed the phosphate from the seawater and built up a hard coating, similar to encrusted plaque on your teeth. Over time they were buried under up to 100 metres of sand and fossilised.


With a warmer climate between 115 and 95 mya, the large shallow sea provided habitat for what the geologists describe as microscopic ‘coccolith biomicrites formed from the skeletal elements of minute planktonic green algae, associated with varying proportions of larger microscopic fragments of bivalves, foraminifera and ostracods’. When they died their skeletons accumulated in great depths and were compressed to produce extensive chalk deposits of Southern England, some of the youngest rocks in the United Kingdom.


Between 75 and 70 mya a great uplift of these Tethyan sediments started, producing earthquakes, volcanoes and what we now know as the Atlas Mountains, the Alps, Apennines, Pyrenees and other mountains around the Mediterranean. Between 34 to 5.3 million years ago the outer ripples of this mountain-building period created an anticline in this area. This was a huge, round-topped dome of rock, estimated to have been about 970 m. above sea level. Folding and faulting cracked the rock strata and, exposed to the elements, they dried out in the sun and wind and river erosion gradually lowered the dome.


Following the start of the last ice age about 21,000 years ago, much of Northern Europe became covered in ice, hundreds of metres thick. Whilst it did not reach south of the River Thames, freezing and thawing further stressed the rocks of the Weald. When temperatures started to rise, vast quantities of glacial meltwater started to further erode the chalk and exposed sand and clays of the central area. The ice finally retreated about 9,000 years ago, leaving the landscape of the Weald much as it is today. Many hundreds of metres of the softer upper chalk had been dissolved and washed away. The only remnants are the gentle dip and steep scarp slopes of the North and South Downs. As the top of the dome was removed much of the sands and clays were also eroded. The highest point in Hampshire is Pilot Hill, which reaches the height of 286 m (938 ft).


17th century farming


Its farmers supplied the local and urban markets with cereals, hops, fruit and vegetables. In the 17th century Gervase Markham described the Wealden area of Kent as


of a very barren nature, and unapt either for pasturage or tillage, until that it be hoplen by some manner of comfort, as dung, marel [sic], fresh earth, fodder, ashes, or such other refreshings.’ This refreshing marl was ‘a fat, oyly, and unctuous ground lying in the belly of the earth, which is of a warm and moist temperature, and so most fertil [sic].


(Markham, G.'The Enrichment of the Weald of Kent,' 4to.London, (1683),pp.2,5; quoted in Topley, W.' Geology of the Weald,' Mem. Geol Surv. Vol. xi. 18. p.388)




It had long been their practice to ‘marl’ the clayey soils. This was adding crushed chalk which not only lightened the soil but improved crop yields. Developments in analytical chemistry in the mid-1850s showed that its calcium carbonate. This process of ‘marling’ the fields in some areas was also termed ‘liming’ but there was a slight difference. Chalk marl is a mixture of chalk and clay, found naturally along the junction between the two rocks on the side of the escarpments. These chalk or marl pits, commonly called ‘dells’ dotted the hilltops and upper valley sides where local farmers had them dug. The first Ordnance Survey maps show that they were quite dense in the Wey Valley. Often, after the harvest was in, the farmer would send a gang of agricultural labourers up onto the chalk hills, to use their picks and shovels to fill barrows or carts with chalk-marl or lime. It was then taken down the hill and emptied at the side of the clay field which was to be ploughed and left for the rain and winter weather to break it up and soften it. In the agricultural literature it was described as chloritic marl. Chlorite is a mineral made up of iron, aluminium, magnesium and silicate hydroxide. Mr. John Manwaring Paine, a local agriculturalist and John Thomas Way, the analytical chemist for the Royal Agricultural Society. mentioned in the Society’s journal that the chloritic marl of Bentley ‘was so highly esteemed for its agricultural properties that it was considered worthwhile to carry it into Sussex’. (Way, J.T. and Paine,J.M. ‘The Chemical and Agricultural Characters of the Chalk Formation,’ Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. vol.xii.,1851,p.551)



This was very much a labour intensive type of agricultural mining but it was a very cheap means of improving one’s fields.  Same journal included an account in 1844 of the progress made in Hampshire’s agriculture during the late-1830s which referred to the practice.


... The application of chalk brought up from pits dug 20 feet deep, on the chalk hills of Hampshire, and wheeled over the land in barrows to the extent of 2,000 bushels per acre; but I was mistaken in calling it an extensive operation, for the usual price is wonderfully low, only 45s. per acre, and I believe I was misinformed in stating that it is useful where the soil contains chalk already. It is remarkable that the red clay of these hills, though very thin, and resting on chalk which is pure lime, contains, so far as I can ascertain, no lime at all...


  ('Progress of Agricultural Knowledge during the last Four Years', Journ. Roy. Ag. Soc. Vol.5. (1844), p183,)


Two thousand bushels was the equivalent of 72,740 cubic litres. When an average wheel barrow could hold 180 cubic litres we’re talking of over 400 trips, a back-breaking, labour-intensive job.


Expensive guano


By the end of the 1830s manure manufacturers were marketing a high quality fertiliser across Britain. Shiploads of guano, phosphate-rich dried bird droppings mixed with feathers, bird and fish skeletons, which had accumulated to great depths on the Chincha Islands off the Peruvian coast, started arriving at British ports in 1838. Manure manufacturers and suppliers advertised it widely in the agricultural press. Experiments showed it to be a lot more effective manure than blood, soot, rags and bones. Chemical analysis showed that it had one of the highest phosphate content of all the manures available on the market. Similar analyses of chalk and chalk marl showed that the latter was an effective fertiliser with an exploitable percentage of phosphate of lime. Marl wasn't as good as guano, but, considerably less than the £12 - 14 pounds a ton asked for guano. It is small wonder that local farmers continued to exploit this natural resource.


Using fossils on the fields


The marl found in the Wey valley was found to be particularly chloritic and some of these marl pits and drainage work further down the hillsides exposed a thin bed of Lower Greensand along the junction of the chalk and the underlying Gault clay. Within it were found large numbers of fossilised bones as well as an assortment of amorphous phosphatic nodules. Exactly when was not stated but sometime in the 1830s or 40s an anonymous farmer took some fossils to show the Rev. John Henslow, a professor of Botany at St. John‘s College, Cambridge. Amongst his students was Charles Darwin whose controversial theory of evolution led to a growing interest in anthropology, palaeolontology and geology. But it was another of his students, Charles Kingsley, who recorded the importance of Revd. Henslow being shown the fossils.


‘He saw, being somewhat of, a geologist and chemist, that they were not, as fossils usually are, carbonate of lime, but phosphate of lime - bone earth. He said at once, as by inspiration,’You have found a treasure - not a gold-mine, indeed, but a food-mine. This bone earth, which we are at our wit‘s end to get for our grain and pulses; which we are importing, as expensive bones, all the way from Buenos Ayres. Only find enough of them, and you will increase immensely the food supply of England and perhaps make her independent of foreign phosphates in case of war.’


(Anonymous note in Ipswich Museum, Coprolite File)


Coprolites – fossilised dinosaur droppings?


 Who the farmer was or where the fossils were found was not specified but, after having been given a Living by the College in the Suffolk parish of Hitcham, Henslow went on a trip to Felixstowe in 1842. He had his attention drawn to some interesting fossils in the cliffs. From their smooth, elongated shape he took them to be fossilised dung. Similar fossil dung had been discovered by the Dean of Westminster, Professor John Buckland, on a geological excursion to Lyme Regis. One of his companions was the German analytical chemist, Baron Von Justus Liebig. Buckland queried the possibility that these


...excretions of extinct animals contained the mineral ingredients of so much value in animal manure. The question was in fact not yet solved by the chemist, and we took specimens, in order to confirm by chemical analysis the views of the geologist. After Liebig had completed their analysis, he saw that they might be made applicable to practical purposes.

 ‘What a curious and interesting subject for contemplation! In the remains of an extinct animal world England is to find the means of increasing her wealth in agricultural produce, as she has already found the great support of her manufacturing industry in fossil fuel - the preserved matter of primeval forests - the remains of a vegetable world! May this expectation be realised! and may her excellent population be thus redeemed from poverty and misery!’

I well recollect the storm of ridicule raised by these expressions of the German philosopher, and yet truth has triumphed over scepticism, and thousands of tons of similar animal remains are now used in promoting the fertility of our fields. The geological observer, in his search after evidences of ancient life, aided by the chemist, excavated extinct remains which produced new life to future generations.


 (Anonymous author,‘ The Study of Abstract Science Essential to the Progress of Industry,‘ Mem. Geol. Surv. Mineral Statistics, vol.i,1850? pp40-1; See also Buckland, Revd. W. ‘On the Causes of the General presence of Phosphates in the Strata of the Earth, and in all soils; with Observations on Pseudo-Coprolites, and of the Possibility of Converting the Contents of Sewers and Cesspools into Manure,‘ Journal of Royal Ag. Soc. Vol.10. 1849, pp.520-1)


  Although Rev. Henslow termed the fossils he found ‘coprolites’, from the Greek ‘kopros’ meaning dung and ‘lithos’ meaning stone, subsequent geologists were to prove him wrong. They were in fact a variety of water-worn teeth, claws, and bones of a variety of prehistoric marine organisms including whales, elephants, giant sharks as well as ammonites, sponges, shell fish and even pieces of fossilised plants.


 Henslow's recognition of them being phosphate-rich bone-earth led to a number of theories regarding their origin. One suggested the bones had become impregnated with the phosphate from the decaying bodies of such creatures on the sea bed. Others suggested they had accumulated in the sea floor depressions about 100 - 120 million years ago where, in the phosphate-rich shallow sea of that period, they were phosphatised. Later, geologists believed them to have been washed out of the Wealden beds of southern England. They accumulated in the sand and shell deposits on a clay bed before being covered by subsequent sand or chalk deposits. Whilst most nodules were amorphous, with no apparent surface features, some still had recognisable fossil features which attracted the geologist‘s attention. It is thought that fossils of ammonite broke under the weight of overlying sediments into long curved sections which gave a very good appearance of animal droppings.


Use of animal bones


In William Topley’s ‘Geology of the Weald’, he commented on the relative success of both marling and adding bone manure.


the soft dirty grey chalk marl readily decomposes into a fine powder when exposed to the vicissitudes of weather. In many districts the marl has been extensively quarried for the purposes of manure; and in earlier times it appears to have been applied to a much greater extent than in the present day (1848) Wherever it outcrops, the soil is distinguished for its fertility. The prolific crops of wheat, beans and clover which are grown without the aid of a comparatively small quantity of manure evince its productive capabilities. The application of bones has usually failed in producing any apparent benefit.

(Topley, W. op.cit. p.61)


However, he pointed out that the thin, clay soils above the hard chalk were generally deficient in phosphoric acid but that adding ‘bone manure’ to them produced excellent crops of turnips, barley and wheat. He commented that ‘it has been the means of reclaiming whole districts from sterility’. The Gault clay he noted was


best adapted for pastures and is celebrated for growth of splendid oak timber; but when this soil is deeply and thoroughly drained, it is capable of producing the heaviest crops of wheat, beans, clover, hops etc. The fossils in the gault… collected for agricultural purposes are the richest in phosphate of lime’.



The fossil phosphate bed in southern England was first recorded as being used at Frensham, a small village to the southwest of Farnham, during the mid to late 1830s. Its use was very localised but caught the attention of Mr. Paine experimented with the fossils on his fields with good enough results to communicate with Mr. Way.  In 1848 they submitted a paper on the subject to the Society's journal in which they stated that,


...the late proprietor of one of the fields where the fossils abound was in the practise of carting away, at leisure times, very large quantities of the lower part of the gault clay embracing the fossil bed; it was taken to another part of the farm where the land is of a sandy nature. Upon the crops in succeeding years the good arising from the application to this soil was evident at a glance. The proprietor was induced to cart this soil upon his other land on account of the number of fossils which it contained, he then supposing they were rich in carbonate of lime. Distance prevented the cartage being continued to a much greater extent.


  (Manwaring Paine, J. and Thomas Way, J., ‘On the Phosphoric Strata of the Chalk Formation’ Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. Vol. ix, (1848), pp.78-9)


All the correspondence in agricultural and geological magazines about the discovery and its commercial potential must have led Paine and Way to learn that similar fossils and phosphatic nodules had been found in 1842 in the cliffs between Felixstowe and Bawdsey on the southeast Suffolk coast by Rev. Henslow. He suspected these deposits were coprolites, fossilised dinosaur droppings, and like animal manure, potentially of great benefit to agriculturalists. As there was at that time huge imports of animal bones to be burnt  ground for use as manure, tests had been done on these Suffolk fossils which showed them to have phosphate content of over 50%, better than ground bones. By the late-1830s it had been found that phosphatic materials, once ground, could be successfully dissolved in sulphuric acid with the resultant mass producing superphosphate – a new artificial chemical manure. Experiments showed it to be water-soluble and far more readily absorbed by plant roots which meant any phosphatic materials could be of potential value to farmers.


In 1842 the process was patented by John Bennet Lawes and a new chemical manure industry was born. Lawes built a chemical manure works at Deptford on the River Thames and, once it was in operation, started selling his ‘super’ across the country. There was a market for it as, selling at up to £7.00 a ton, it was cheaper that guano and available in larger quantities than animal bones. All other superphosphate manufacturers had to pay him 25s. a ton royalty. However, it was reported that in Scotland ground coprolites were successfully used without the cost of them being processed with sulphuric acid. William Colchester and Son and Edward Packard and Son made huge fortunes from the Suffolk coprolites. They erected large-scale chemical manure factories on the banks of the River Orwell in Ipswich. In the early-1840s they were paying Suffolk landowners a few shillings a ton for the coprolites raised on their estates. When ‘super’ was being sold at £7.00 a ton, you can understand how profitable the business was.


Like Lawes, they engaged agents to market their products in other parts of the country. The major manure supplier in the area around the Wey valley was E.J. Lance, of Blackwater, near Bagshot. He had wharfs on the Basingstoke Canal and yards at stations along the South Western Railway. His advertisement can be seen on page .. . Evidence shows he was involved at Farnham in 1844, possibly purchasing the fossils to be made into fertiliser. (Guildford Muniment Room, 129/4/2.9 and 129/4/2.35) 


By 1847 another ‘coprolite’ bed had been discovered in the Cambridge Lower Greensand at Burwell, a small village north of Cambridge. This led Lawes and the Suffolk manure manufacturers to expand their interest into that area and start what was to become a major agricultural mining enterprise. Its financial success eventually led agriculturalists in the South East to suspect that the fossil bed in the Greensand could be exploited on a larger scale. Analysis of the Greensand soils in the counties of Kent, Surrey and Hampshire showed them to be remarkably rich in phosphate of lime. They were notorious for the luxuriant growth of wheat and having some of the richest plantations of hops in the country. Tests needed to be done on the fossils found within them. Way and Paine commented in 1848 that


At present there are few facts extant which bear upon the agricultural properties of these fossils; yet the few which have been noticed are strikingly illustrative of their value as fertiliser.


(Paine, J.M. and Way, J.T.  ‘On the Phosphoric Strata of the Chalk Formation’ Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. vol.ix,1848 pp.78-9


However, they pointed out that the beds were easily accessible, exposed in the cuttings of many of the lanes on the slopes of the chalk hills.


After leaving the parish of Frensham and proceeding westward through the parish of Kingsley, the fossiliferous beds are exposed in the fields lying below the talus of the escarpment of the fire-stone rock to the neighbourhood of Petersfield. In many of the fields the gault clay is denuded, and the fossils are exposed on the surface. In fact, over an area of several acres the fossils are exposed on the surface, having been brought up by ploughing, trenching, and draining. A good many tons now lying upon the ground might be picked up at a trifling cost. All the specimens obtained in this quarter exhibit a very large amount of phosphoric acid. It is also worthy of notice that most of the land selected for the growth of hops in this district is situated upon the stratum of fossils. The farmers too in the neighbourhood uniformly agreed in remarking that the fields were their most productive ones, both in hops and corn.




In an attempt to disseminate information about this potentially lucrative deposit Paine wrote to the editor of the Agricultural Gazette and Gardeners' Chronicle. He pointed out that this phosphate of lime he had discovered in the chalk strata at Farnham was similar to that in Suffolk and that it had been used as a manure long before superphosphate had been introduced. (Gardeners Chronicle, 19th Feb, 1848.) This prompted a series of correspondence over the following weeks, which shed more light on the extent of these fossil beds. James Clutterbuck of Long Wittenham, Abingdon, reported how he had observed ‘extraordinary fertility’ where the Upper Greensand outcropped with the chalk marl at Ardington, near Tetsworth in Oxfordshire and at Easington, near Wantage in Berkshire. Unsure whether the cause was the union of the sand and chalk or soluble silicates he recommended its chemical analysis. He also pointed out that at one location where there was no overlying deposit on the greensand a disease called ‘ambrey or fingers and toes’ was very prevalent among turnips.


...It was so destructive that a well known agriculturalist told me he was obliged to give up the cultivation of Turnips on certain portions of his farm, until he tried the application of the scrapings of a turnpike road that is repaired with stones from the coral rag, which abounds in fossils, and which, as he said, acted as a charm. This he attributed to the lime which it contained, but on examination it yielded not only a large percentage of carbonate, but a perceptible quantity of phosphate of lime. Nearly the same effect is produced by the application of the scrapings of another line of road, which is repaired with a diluvial gravel composed of the detritus, as the above-named and other strata, and contains portions of limestone, fossils, bones, teeth, &c. These road scrapings are more efficacious than pure lime, and would no doubt be found to contain phosphate as well as carbonate of lime. Where the stratum of iron sand is covered with beds of this gravel, the Turnips flourish, and are very healthy. At my suggestion a farmer spread some of this gravel, as dug from the pit on the surface not so covered, and though, as he expressed it, ‘it worked slower than the scrapings,’ the effect was very perceptible. If these simple facts come under the notice of those more competent than I am to bring them to the test of chemical inquiry, they may, perhaps, be found useful in the localities to which they refer, by making the stores of manure which Nature has provided available to the increase of the fertility of the soil.


 (Agricultural Gazette and Gardeners Chronicle, 4th March (1848), p.164)


A further letter detailed the location of two other fossil deposits of similar nature which could be of potential interest to speculators. The first was at Undercliff on the Isle of Wight in the neighbourhood of Steephill and the other was at Eastbourne, along the shore southwards of the Sea Holmes towards Beachy Head, for about a mile and a half. (Ibid.) In subsequent correspondence Paine confirmed that these were the same fossil beds adding that he was, ‘happy to be able to inform your readers that some beds very rich in fossil phosphates have been found in the upper and lower greensand, in the neighbourhood of Guildford; and in precisely the same position as at Farnham.’ (Ibid.11th March)


It was these latter beds, however, that attracted the most attention and another letter revealed how a local landowner had been in the practice of using these beds since 1845, shortly after the exploitation of the Suffolk phosphates.



 It was with great interest that I read in a late number of the Gazette, the account of Mr. Paine of his discovery of a rich bed of fossil manure, which will doubtless be a great acquisition to agriculture. Any assistance from  either science or art must not be hailed with pleasure by the farmer, who has so many difficulties to contend with; and this discovery may be expected to aid him in several ways: not merely by the amount of manure thus brought to light, but also by stimulating enterprise, which may result in similar success. I have for three years been drawing clay (thrown out of a railway cutting) to my light land, and I think with advantage; but previously to doing so I had a sample analysed, and the report was extremely favourable... From this datum, a ton of clay contains nearly 50 lbs. (49.72%) of phosphoric acid, and as I can draw and spread the clay upon the land for 1s. 6d. per ton, the application of 1cwt. of phosphoric acid will cost 3s.4d. Surely this cannot be a very high price for it while superphosphate of lime is sold at 7l. per ton, with an additional 5s. for carriage. - B.J.W.’


 (Agricultural .Gazette & Gardeners Chronicle ,11th March 1848,p180)


 Revd. Henslow wrote in, pointing out that ‘Mr. Paine seems to have traced the nodules into strata both above and below that one in which they more readily abound at Cambridge.’ (Ibid.) This correspondence must have stimulated enough interest in other local farmers to use the deposit as later that year, Paine reported that workings on a larger scale had started at Wrecclesham, a few miles north of Frensham. Exactly where the pits were located is uncertain but probably on the north-facing slopes overlooking the River Wey. They used similar machinery to wash the fossils as that employed in the Suffolk and Cambridgeshire workings. (Dines, H. G. 'The Geology of the Country around Aldershot and Guildford,' Mem. Geol. Surv. H.M.S.O. 1929, pp.166) 




Descrition of washmill?


The wash mills had to be close to a water supply, either a nearby river or using a pump as large quantities were needed. In Suffolk, long wooden troughs were filled with water into which the labourers would immerse a wooden tray full of fossils. A pole was used to push the tray up and down the trough so washing any sand or clay from the fossils. This method may have been used originally but circular pans were reportedly used, through which a stream of water passed, the clay material, being agitated into suspension by revolving rakes, was carried off. After washing, the material was sized; the larger nodules were picked over by hand for the removal of pyrites; the finer material if containing too much pyrites was rejected.’ (op.cit. p.165)


  Sometime before 1850 a D.J. Ansted investigated the phosphatic nodules found in the Gault and Upper Greensand around Farnham and Hastings and commented in correspondence with the Agricultural Gazette commented that ‘The substances exist in irregular bands more or less mixed with sand and more or less discoloured by silicate of iron. I saw several heaps of about 6 tons each and from these I selected a few specimens.’ (Agricultural Gazette, 23rd Dec.1850) He argued that the nodules were concretions of phosphate of lime around shells and animal matter that had been changed by their surrounding rock mass and in no sense were they organic bodies or true coprolites. 


Documentation shows some of the deposit was soft enough to crumble on exposure to the elements, like with the chalk, and thus reduce any expensive processing costs. Harder fossils would have been crushed using a local mill and then simply spread on fields in the immediate area. Whilst this method was a lot cheaper than expensive guano or superphosphate there is evidence showing that it at one time it was converted into superphosphate. Paine experimented with them and reported in 1851 how he had


‘...exclusively used the [phosphatised fossils and phosphatic nodules of this bed], as well as those still more abundantly obtained from the Lower Greensand, as substitutes for bones in the manufacture of superphosphate of lime for the use of [his] farm; and that, both as regards cheapness and efficacy [he has] every reason to be satisfied with their employment for this purpose.’


 (Way, J.T. and Paine,J.M. ‘The Chemical and Agricultural Characters of the Chalk Formation,’ Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc.  Vol.xii.,1851, p.550, footnote) 


There were two manure manufacturers advertising in Alton in 1847, very likely exploiting this new manure. (Kelly’s Post Office Directory, Hampshire, 1847) E.J. Lance was involved at Farnham. Given their existence in the locality it seems likely that some farmers arranged to sell the fossils and would have had them carted whole to the station. Where farmers wanted to economise and, like Paine, make their own ‘super,’ the practice was to carefully measure the required quantity of ground phosphates into a long wooden trough in the farmyard. Large glass vials of vitriol or sulphuric acid would then have been mixed with it and the mixture stirred with a long puddling stick to avoid splashing or fumes. (O'Connor, B. 'The Coprolite Industry in Whaddon, Cambs.' 2002)


   Details of the process were documented by Paine and Way who revealed how the workings had extended north from Frensham towards Farnham.


 ‘On the opposite or south side of the River Wey, above the new church, in the village of Wrecklesham, there is an outcropping  of the gault, below which are some very conspicuous beds of phosphates. At this place a pit has been opened in search of them, or, more correctly, the outcrop on the side of the hill has been worked into. There are three distinct beds of fossils: the first lies above the thin seam of ironstone; it is about three or four feet thick, the fossils being intermingled in a soft matrix of sand and clay. This bed has been wholly carted away, as it was dug to be applied to a neighbouring field of a loose gravelly texture; this was done because the fossils could only be obtained by the tedious process of hand-picking. It may be, perhaps, worthwhile to remark, that this portion  had occasionally been carted on the land before, and always with marked benefit. This good result may be partly attributed to the facility with which many of these fossils decompose when exposed to the alterations of weather. ..Another outcrop has been followed out in the commons at a spot distant about half a mile SW from the above pit; but here there is only one bed beneath the iron-sandstone. On digging the fossils the mass is broken to pieces with a pickaxe and passed through a half-inch sieve; just in the same manner as gravel is obtained for road-making. When the fossils become tolerably dry, they are then passed over a finer sieve, which gets rid of the greater part of the loose adhering sand. About twenty tons of clean fossils have been dug from these two sites, at a cost of fifteen shillings a ton.

The fossils are easily ground up into powder between cylindrical rollers. The same mill is employed to grind the fossils both of the Upper and Lower Greensand. If a higher percentage of phosphate of lime were required for any particular purpose, it might be raised to about 55 or 60 per cent. by a subsequent process of sieving, which separates the coarser grains of sand from the powder... Some are not larger than hazel nuts, others weigh three or four pounds each.


 (Paine and Way, op.cit.1848 pp.78-9)


With costs of only fifteen shillings a ton one and superphosphate costing about £7 per ton one can see that it must have appealed to other farmers. By all accounts it was very much a localised industry with farmers on both sides of the Wey valley taking advantage of this cheaper source of fertiliser. Further light on the scale and economics of the business was referred to by Way in an address he made to members of the Royal Agricultural Society in 1849.


 I am not aware that these remains have been collected in any quantity for sale, and at present any conjectures as to their cost must necessarily be open to much error. Mr. Paine, who has dug 50 or 60 tons for his own use, has found them to cost him in labour, when delivered at his farm by his own men and horses, about 15s. a ton. These are not nearly so hard as those of the (Suffolk) crag, and would probably not cost so much to grind. Let us suppose that they could be collected and sold, as in the other case, ground at 2l. a ton, which at first sight appears a considerably cheaper rate than the Suffolk kind. They contain on an average only 42.5 per cent of phosphate of lime: from this source a ton will consequently cost 4l.14s.1d at a rate of 4s.2d. for 100 lbs., or as nearly as can be 0.5d. a lb... Mr. Paine has informed me that he has this year dug a quantity of these phosphatic nodules at a much less expense. If at any particular spot a bed of them could be found within a foot or two of the surface, and running parallel to it, I believe that it would well repay the expense of working, but hitherto the nodules have  been  found in strata which, although tolerably horizontal themselves, they are only accessible at the outcrops on the edges of undulating ground.


 (Way,J.T. '0n the Composition and Value of Guano,' Journ. Roy. Agric. .Soc. Vol.x. (1849), pp.215-6)


With the exposed strata on the southern slopes much dislocated and only a few inches thick, further tests were necessary to ascertain the economics of deeper working. Little evidence has emerged of whether the industry ‘took off’ following these publications but if so it seems it must have only been on a small scale. The exact location of the workings is difficult to ascertain as there were so many ‘dells’ and quarries in the area which could have been worked for stone, marl or the fossils.


   Subsequent evidence from geological studies of the area has revealed the extent of the phosphoric marl, in which the fossil bed was found. Occasionally mention was made of its exploitation but as the first survey did not start until 1862 there was the likelihood any fossil pits would not have been overgrown and resembled the other pits dotting the countryside. Similarly, any exposures with a measurable fossil bed would likely have been removed, making it difficult to say definitely it was a phosphate working.




However, the literature revealed that northwest of Farnham, below the castle, the phosphoric marl commenced at the upper part of what were the Heart Hop-gardens, running W.S.W. through Beaver's Hill and the central part of Dippen Hall farm, N.E. of Grover's Farm (808458). Like on the southern slopes its continuity was frequently interrupted by valleys. Here its thickness was found to be between two and five feet (m.), though occasionally it was found between ten and fifteen feet (m.). Such depth would very likely have been exploited but the irregular distribution in the bed meant that they could only be exploited from isolated pits.


At Dippen Hall (815466), whilst digging for marl, a large collection of fossils was obtained, including heavy fossil sponges varying in weight from a few ounces to 8 and 10 lbs. each. (Parkinson, 'Organic Remains', Geological Transactions, Vol.ii) The pits were already filled up in 1848 and have since disappeared. A disused pit is marked on the Ordnance Survey map (). However, further south west the Bentley marl was reported as having been,


...worked for agricultural purposes at a former period as is shown by the remains of partially filled up pits, near them also are now lying heaps of the larger fossils, which were then rejected as useless. This conclusively proves that the agricultural value of this particular soil is no novelty, although the cause of its fertilising powers was previously unknown, about 60 years ago (1788) it was carried into Sussex as a manure - a distance being upwards of 20 miles.



The seam was also found to the north and northwest of Bentley, in Lock's Grove Plantation, Black Acre Copse and just north of Bury Court. ('Geology of Parts of Berkshire and Hampshire,' Mem. Geol. Soc. (1862), p.13) Further southwest it was reported that the chloritic marl ‘has been largely worked at Froyle.’ There were several lime quarries and pits on the lower slopes of the valley where the fossil seam was noted but, although it was not specified, it is likely that the fossiliferous marl was used for agricultural purposes. (Whitaker,W. 'Geology of the London Basin' Mem. Geol. Surv. 1872, p20; Jukes-Browne, 'Cretaceous Rocks of Great Britain,' 2, Mem. Geol. Surv. 1903, p.60) A pit was located half a mile northeast of Froyle church, another a quarter of a mile north of Grover's farm and a large quarry a quarter of a mile northeast of ‘The Prince of Wales’ at Lower Froyle.


Paine and Way described in detail one working in Froyle which the geologist, H.J. Osborne-White, suspected was actually on the south side of the river at Worldham. Which is correct seems impossible to ascertain. They referred to the seam being exploited from, immense longitudinal quarry, about 15 feet in depth, from which, at some remote period, thousands of loads have been removed. This quarry has recently been reopened by the present proprietor in consequence of his having carted a few loads by way of experiment upon some adjacent pasture land, where the benefit arising from its application was most perceptible, especially in developing a good herbage of clover. A small quantity was also taken to another part of the estate, about a mile distant, and was put upon an arable field but in this case no advantage accrued. A recent examination of this field demonstrated the cause of the failure by indicating the presence of the  identical phosphoric band in the subsoil lying immediately below the spot where the marl was applied. The proprietor also mentioned a circumstance which occurred upwards of twenty years since, when some of the marl from the down was carted away to a neighbouring farm. The waggon once broke down, and its contents were thrown upon an adjacent field, and spread very thickly over a small space; the spot was noticed during many successive years on account of the superiority of the crops which grew there; yet, strange to say, this evidence was practically disregarded.’


(Paine and Way, op.cit.)


White suggested this pit was in Stirvill's Copse, northwest of Wyck but now it is impossible to tell who was correct. Tony Cross, the curator of Curtis Museum, Alton, said that the fossils were almost certainly worked at Quarry Bottom in Froyle where the seam is still to be found. Given the benefits from using the marl, any landowner would almost certainly have exploited any such exposures. Similar pits with exposures were noted in Water Lane, Wych, a quarter of a mile northeast of Truncheaunts Farm. It is from these localities where the fossils in the Curtis Museum in Alton were reportedly derived. Other pits were noted on the south side of the valley half a mile south of Barleywood Farm in Farringdon as well as at various locations near Selborne. (Drew, F. 'Geology of the Weald,' Mem. Geol. Surv. 1875,p.156; Osborne-White, H.J. 'The Geology of the Country around Basingstoke,' Mem. Geol. Surv. 1909, pp.14-16,101-2; White, G. 'Natural  History  of Selborne,' Pennant Letter,3)


Gilbert White's 'History of Selborne' mentioned several fossils being found in the locality and three types of ‘malm’ soil which had proved very useful for agriculturalists.


 ...the first .occurring in the gardens and enclosures on the northeastern side of the village street, and consisting  of ‘warm, forward and crumbling mould, called black malm, which seems highly saturated with vegetable and animal manure’ the second - a good wheat and clover soil; found to the northwest, north and east of the village - being a sort of rotten or rubble stone which, when turned up to the frost and rain, moulders to pieces and becomes manure to itself.


  (White, G. 'Natural History of Selborne,' Pennant Letter,1 quoted in Osborne-White, H.J. 'The Geology of the Country around Arlesford,' Mem. Geol. Surv. 1910, p.90)


 No further evidence, apart from Paine and Way's account has come to light on the exploitation of these pits but, based on the geological accounts, the approximate extent of the deposit and possible workings can be seen on page ... Again it is uncertain as to when they started or for how long they stayed in operation.


Whilst the geological coverage of the area only revealed little of the extent of the workings it confirmed Paine and Way's point that the development of the industry was limited by the local geology. With strata dipping into the hillside it must have made the extra cost of mining prohibitive and restricted pits to the shallower beds which were only exposed where lanes or valleys had eroded it. J. Wilkinson, in his ‘Farming of Hampshire’ in 1861 made no reference to the phosphate workings, only that farmers were still using local minerals on their fields.


The proper quantity for application and the necessity of renewal, depend on the nature of the soil; where chalk is wanted as a corrective of acidity in the soil, as after oak or ash coppice has been grubbed, one good dose of 20 or 25 tons an acre may effect a complete cure, and no renewal be required. On heavy clay lands the use is mechanical as well as mineral, and here as much as 30 tons may be applied at a time.


 (Wilkinson, J. ‘The Farming of Hampshire,’ Journ .Royal. Agric. Soc. Vol. xxii., (1861), pp.322-3)


He revealed that the costs per acre were £5 for chalk and £3 for lime, considerably less than the £7 or so for superphosphate. ‘Though this gives a balance of £2 per acre in favour of lime, such was the superior efficacy of chalk that the experiment resulted in the preference of chalk, notwithstanding its greater cost.’ (Ibid.) It may well have been that the phosphates had been exhausted by the 1860s and farmers had reverted to traditional methods. Another possible explanation was that by the mid-1850s the coprolite industry in the Eastern counties had extended much further west along the extent of the Greensand in Cambridgeshire where a higher phosphate content was found in the fossils. A growing number of manure manufacturers were keen to exploit this new deposit which, with a phosphate content in some cases of over 60%, made the poorer quality Wey valley fossils commercially less viable.


 Another possible reason was revealed by the geologist, S.P. Woodward, who mapped and examined the Upper Greensand bed across the country. He indicated that the seam of phosphatic nodules, where it occurred at the base of the chalk escarpment in Wilts., Dorset, Somerset and Devon, was ‘seldom opened because they were too silicious and less phosphatic therefore it would be doubtful if the beds in SW England would ever repay the cost of working them.’ (Woodward, S. P. Geol.Mag. 1866/7)


However, although it seemed the industry had ended in the Farnham area, Kent agriculturalists were apparently well aware of the value of fossils as a fertiliser. In 1861 J. Barling delivered a lecture to the Maidstone Farmers Club on the use of geology to agriculture bringing with him some coprolites as visual aids,


   ...which formed, as they knew, the basis of a very good manure. At one period large saurian fish inhabited these seas, and the coprolites found between the beds of chalk and clay were the fossilised dung of those fish, and were comparatively useless until operated upon by the chemists' skill. They contained a large amount of phosphate of lime, the chemical constituent of the food upon which these voracious fish fed millions of years ago, and it became converted  into  one of the most valuable fertilising materials the farmer was able to purchase.


 (Barling,J. 'Local Geology Applied to Agriculture', Mark Lane Express, 16th June 1861,p.4)


   This misconception that the fossils were prehistoric droppings originated with Revd. John Henslow. He presumed the spiral fossils he had found in Felixstowe were coprolitic. Subsequent geologists showed they were in fact the ear bones of whales but by that time coprolites had become a trade name for the fossil deposits. Paine and Way's 1848 account of the strata in the chalk formation also referred to it extending along the foot of the Downs as far as the South Coast at Cheriton, near Folkestone. Here,


The natural sections exposed on the face of the cliff present many facilities for examining this peculiar bed of fossils. They are found in a solid conglomerate rock, from one or two feet thick, the whole of which is more or less phosphatic. This band commences on the east of the town, at the top of the cliff, where it lies close to the surface. As the strata here dip towards the east, the bed is easily recognised in its usual position just below the dark-blue gault clay, until it finally disappears on the sea-beach opposite the Martello Tower No.1. Large masses of the conglomerate have fallen from the cliff, and now lie on the rocky shore below; they are of all sizes - some of the blocks would probably weigh nearly half a ton. They are chiefly composed of various shells, ammonites, and fossil wood, mixed with sulphuret of iron and gypsum... On the west of Folkestone the bed is seen opposite the church at the top of the cliff, with which it runs parallel, about 3 or 4 feet below the surface for a considerable distance towards Sandgate. The fossils here are in a matrix of loose loamy sand, and are in every respect similar to those found in the neighbourhood of Farnham.


 (Paine and Way,J.T. op.cit. pp.81-2)


   There was no indication that they were exploited from the cliffs but the first geological survey of the area in the early 1860s referred to the same strata of dark grey nodules occurring in the Lower Greensand in a seam about six inches to a foot thick and very rich in fossils. The same bed was recorded at an outlier by Folkestone church, along East Cliff and also in an 18 inch seam at Stone Farm, Saltwood. Two ‘interested parties,’ Mr Etheridge and Mr. Mackeson, made a collection of fossils from all these spots including Copt Point. (Drew, F. ‘Geol. of Folkestone etc.’, Mem. Geol. Surv. 1864, p.10)


   When this bed was first exploited in the area is uncertain but a subsequent geological paper reported a pit open in 1865 where the bed was found in three places. Other pits, again unspecified as to whether the nodules were worked, were located in the neighbourhood at the top of the cliff going westward towards Sandgate, in a railway cutting half a mile northeast of Cheriton Church. There were also references to exposures, possibly exploited in a pit near Ford, on the Canterbury Road, and in a road section just east of Stone Farm, Saltwood. (Topley, W. op.cit. pp.147,390) It was the autumn of 1870 when the first evidence of their exploitation on any scale emerged with the local paper reporting,


A SPECULATION. - During the past week much curiosity has been excited in this town and neighbourhood at the sight of between thirty and forty men in a field adjoining Sandgate and Shorncliffe Railway Station, digging and sifting the soil. Various rumours have been afloat in reference to the object of this excavating process, and many credulous people have reputed that a gold mine has been sprung in the neighbourhood. Such a statement, and the report of the work going on at this place, has drawn a large number of people to inspect the ground, and who have tried to discover, what seems like one of the wonders of Folkestone. The men at work have been forbidden to import any information, and this has increased the curiosity of spectators. The facts, we believe, are these. Some speculators have undertaken this work, and they are the pioneers, for this part of the country, of a new branch of industry, yclept (sic) coprolite digging. The great resemblance between the geographical character of this part of the country, to that of other places where these lucrative diggings flourish, induced one or two speculators to test the soil for this valuable production, the result of which is so far satisfactory. For the benefit of the uniniated (sic), it may be observed that coprolite is generally supposed to be the fossil excreta of an extinct race of animals, (although some learned men say otherwise.) After being operated upon by vitriol, or other powerful acids, it forms the most potent and valuable manure. We hope success will attend the efforts of those who are trying to discover such a valuable produce beneath our soil.


   (Folkestone Chronicle, 29th October 1870) 


   The article must have stimulated considerable interest and the following week a further mention was made of the work.


  COPROLITE. - The search after this valuable remains of a bygone period, which has been going on near the Shorncliffe Station during this past week, is now brought to a conclusion. A large quantity of coprolite has been discovered, and the excavations have extended ten feet below the surface. Further down than this, in the part of the land where the digging has been confined, this substance does not extend, and the vein appears to terminate, and is succeeded by a strata of another substance. The probability is, however, that there is a considerable deposit in the neighbourhood, but whether sufficient to undertake erecting manure works here is another question. There can be no doubt the land presented a promising aspect, or the speculator would not have gone to the considerable expense he has done in making discoveries. The large pit, or trench, which has been dug, is now filled in, and yesterday boys and men were engaged in sifting, and sorting the coprolite which will be carted away to the railway station, and sent  to  a  destination for the purpose of chemical analysis. Many tons have been set apart for this purpose, with what result time only will reveal.’


  (Folkestone Chronicle, 5th November 1870)


   Time did eventually reveal that the London-based Lawes Manure Company were involved. Other manure manufacturers may well have operated workings in the area but evidence of their involvement has not come to light. The workings seemed only to have lasted for two years as evidenced by a diary report of George Beaver, a surveyor employed by Lawes' Company to measure the extent of the workings.


On the evening of Wednesday 23rd of October 1872 I go with Mr. Weston to Folkestone, to make survey of some lands in the parish of Cheriton, for coprolite workings, on Estate belonging to Frederick Brockman Esq. and get home to Hitchin again very late Friday night. These works do not continue long time in operation, as the material when dug (tho' promising to appearance) on tests turns out to be but poor and the works are soon closed.

  (Hitchin Museum, Diaries of George Beaver, 98b.)


   The exposures attracted the attention of the geologist, William Topley who described two beds, separated by two feet of clay which also had scattered nodules; the lower bed was the junction of the Gault and Lower Greensand, the same geological strata which was being exploited in Cambs., Beds. and Buckinghamshire. (Topley, op.cit. p.388) He shed light on the operation of the pits, identical to those on the more northerly ‘coprolite belt’ at the foot of the Chilterns but it gave the impression they were other pits to those referred to by Beaver.


More recently some phosphate works have been opened at Cheriton near Folkestone. The nodules occur in two beds; the lower one - 12 to 15 inches thick, is the junction of the Gault and the Lower Greensand. Here it is generally dark in colour and always sandy. Separated from this by two feet of clay is another and more variable bed, 3 to 6 inches thick. In the clay between these beds, and also in that above them, scattered nodules occasionally occur. The nodules are extracted by means of trenches, six feet wide; all the material is taken out, and the scattered nodules picked out by hand. The two phosphate seams are dug out and washed; sometimes the lower and sandy seam is sifted before being washed. The washing is effected in a circular frame, through which a constant stream of water is flowing; the nodules being kept in constant motion by travelling rakes. When washed, the nodules are sifted, the coarser material consists almost entirely of phosphate, the few masses of iron pyrites are easily distinguished and taken out. The finer material contains a large quantity of pyrites, or of phosphate having so much pyrites as to be worthless. All this is carefully picked over by boys. The first material passes with the sand and clay through the washing apparatus, and is caught by a sieve, this is chiefly pyrites.

  (Topley, W. op.cit. p.390)


This was confirmed by a later study which reported that the industry in Folkestone did not pay for it was discontinued in 1876.

an average 52% phosphate of lime, made it economic to exploit them in the 1840'sThe pits referred to were three quarters of a mile (m.) south west of the Castle Hill were subsequently built on when Harcourt School was erected. The M20 and Channel Tunnel Terminal are only a few hundred yards to the north.  (GR.206372; Jukes-Brown, ‘Cretaceous Rocks of Britain,’ Mem. Geol. Surv. 1900, p.83; Bissom, G. & Worssam, B.C. ‘Geology of Country around  Canterbury  and Folkestone,’ Mem. Geol. Surv. 1966, p.299)


This interest in the potential exploitation of the beds may well have prompted the first geological coverage of the district



Agricultural .Gazette & Gardeners Chronicle, 19th Feb, 1848

Agricultural .Gazette & Gardeners Chronicle ,11th March 1848,p.180

Agricultural Gazette and Gardeners Chronicle, 4th March (1848), p.164

Agricultural Gazette, 23rd Dec.1850, Correspondence by Ansted, D.J.

Folkestone Chronicle, 29th October 1870

Folkestone Chronicle, 5th November 1870


Anonymous note in Ipswich Museum, Coprolite File

Guildford Muniment Room, 129/4/2.9 and 129/4/2.35

Hitchin Museum, Diaries of George Beaver, 98b


Anonymous author,‘ The Study of Abstract Science Essential to the Progress of Industry,‘ Mem. Geol. Surv. Mineral Statistics, vol.i,1850? pp.40-1

Barling,J. 'Local Geology Applied to Agriculture', Mark Lane Express, 16th June 1861,p.4

Bissom, G. & Worssam, B.C. ‘Geology of Country around  Canterbury  and Folkestone,’ Mem. Geol. Surv. 1966,p.299

Buckland, Revd. W. ‘On the Causes of the General presence of Phosphates in the Strata of the Earth, and in all soils; with Observations on Pseudo-Coprolites, and of the Possibility of Converting the Contents of Sewers and Cesspools into Manure,‘ Journ. Royal  Agric. Soc. Vol.10. 1849, pp.520-1

Dines, H.G. 'The Geology of the Country around Aldershot and Guildford,' Mem. Geol. Surv.  1929, pp.166

Drew, F. ‘Geology of Folkestone etc., Mem. Geol. Surv. 1864, p.10

Drew,F. 'Geology of the Weald,' Mem. Geol. Surv. 1875,p.156

'Geology of Parts of Berkshire and Hampshire,' Mem. Geol .Soc. (1862), p.13

Jukes-Brown, ‘Cretaceous Rocks of Britain,’ I, Mem. Geol. Surv. 1900, pp.83, 430

Jukes-Browne, 'Cretaceous Rocks of Great Britain,' II, Mem. Geol. Surv. 1903, p.60

Kelly’s Post Office Directory, Hampshire, 1847

Markham, G. 'The Enrichment of the Weald of Kent,' 4to. London, (1683),pp.2,5

Paine, J.M. and Way, J.T, ‘On the Phosphoric Strata of the Chalk Formation’ Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. Vol. ix, (1848), pp..56, 67-8, 78-9

Strahan, Flitt and Denham, ’Mineral Resources of G.B.’ 1915-19, Mem. Geol. Surv.p.20

Journ. Royal. Ag .Soc. vol.i. 1839, p.1.

Topley, W. ' Geology of the Weald,' Mem. Geol Surv. Vol. xi. 1875, p.147, .388, 390

Topley ?? Geol.Mag. vol.liv, 1917?, pp.14-5)

O'Connor, B. 'The Coprolite Industry in Whaddon, Cambs.' 2002

Osborne-White, H.J. 'The Geology of the Country around Basingstoke,' Mem. Geol. Surv. pp.14-16,101-2

Osborne-White, H.J. 'The Geology of the Country around Arlesford,' Mem. Geol. Surv. 1910, p.90

Way,J.T. '0n the Composition and Value of Guano,' Journ. Roy. Agric. .Soc. Vol.x. (1849), pp.215-6

Way, J.T. and Paine,J.M. ‘The Chemical and Agricultural Characters of the Chalk Formation,’ Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc.  Vol.xii.,1851, pp.550,551, footnote

'Progress of Agricultural Knowledge during the last Four Years', Journ. Roy. Ag. Soc. Vol.5. (1844), p.183

Whitaker,W. 'Geology of the London Basin' Mem. Geol. Surv. 1872, p.20

White, G. 'Natural History of Selborne,' Pennant Letter,1,3

Wilkinson, J. ‘The Farming of Hampshire,’ Journ .Royal. Agric. Soc. Vol. xxii., (1861), pp.322-3

Woodward,S.P. Geol.Mag. 1866/7



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